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Gestion de la Paie - DSN

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Fichiers des données pour la comptabilité, états des charges, etc.

Paies spécifiques

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Éditions sociales - Télédéclarations

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Entrée salarié(e)

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Sortie salarié(e)

Formalités de sortie. Traitement-édition du certificat de travail, reçu pour solde de tout compte, attestation Pôle-Emploi AED, AEM intermittents, DSN "Fin de contrat", radiation caisses, etc.

Modèles - Documents RH

Modèles de contrats, avenants, lettres, documents internes, fiches navettes, formulaires, tableau de bord, DUER, conventions collectives, accords d'entreprise, affichages obligatoires, etc.

Veille RH - Audit

Veille paie et RH, information et alertes.
Audit paie, RH, dossier social: rapport, observations, préconisations.
Optimisation sociale.


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Template articles

Custom pages

  • Écrit par Super User
  • Catégorie : Template articles
  • Affichages : 1794

We have prepared a code for few custom pages:

  • Faq page
  • Help page
  • Product showcase page

This article contains description of the configuration details for these pages.

FAQ page


FAQ is very simple custom page. You have to assign to this page the faq page suffix and use the following code:

<h3>Question in the title</h3>
<p>Answer to the question</p>

You can repeat the above code for all questions included in the FAQ.

Help page


The help page uses the modules on the header and top1 module positions. Thanks to it we could achieve a very interesting layout with three columns.

Please remember to add the support page suffix.

Teh big title in the header uses the gkBigTitle class:

<h3 class="gkBigTitle">Header</h3>
<p>Subtitle for the header</p>

Icons uses the same syntax as the big icons on the frontpage. You can also put a small text under the icons using the small element.

Product showcase page


The block with features uses the following syntax for every block:

    <h3><i class="icon-cogs"></i> 100% Fully Managed </h3>
    <p>Consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque convallis tellus velit. Etiam lobortis enim laoreet, venenatis nulla suscipit, viverra.</p>

Please remember that you should use in the module with features the features module class suffix.


The above table uses the standard table element.

Please remember that if you want to achieve the grey first column, you should use the th elements instead of td.

Frontpage elements

Frontpage can contain big header image if you add in the template settings (on the "Features" tab the imageBg page suffix. Additionally if you need to achieve the grey background under the mainbody, please assign to the frontpage the grey-content page suffix.

Header price table

Header on the demo content contains the color price table, which uses the following HTML code:


<div class="gkColorPriceTable col3">
<dd class="gkPrice"><span>Starting from:</span>$ 19.99<small> /month</small></dd>
<dd>30 GB Space</dd>
<dd>100 GB Traffic</dd>
<dd>100 Mailboxes</dd>
<dd>PHP, Perl/CGI, MySQL</dd>
<dd class="gkLink"><a href="#" class="loaded">More</a></dd>

<dl class="gkPremium">
<dd class="gkPrice"><span>Starting from:</span>$ 499.99<small> /month</small></dd>
<dd>5000 GB Space</dd>
<dd>5 TB Traffic</dd>
<dd>200 Mailboxes</dd>
<dd>PHP, Perl/CGI, MySQL</dd>
<dd class="gkLink"><a href="#" class="loaded">More</a></dd>

<dl class="gkColor">
<dt>Cloud VPS</dt>
<dd class="gkPrice"><span>Starting from:</span>$ 39.99<small> /month</small></dd>
<dd>200 GB Space</dd>
<dd>500 GB Traffic</dd>
<dd>200 Mailboxes</dd>
<dd>PHP, Perl/CGI, MySQL</dd>
<dd class="gkLink"><a href="#" class="loaded">More</a></dd>

Similary to the normal price table, you have to use at least two CSS classes: gkColorPriceTable and colX class (it defines how many columns your price table will contain - you can use classes col1 - col4).

If you want to highlight some column, please use in the dl element the gkPremium class. You can apply the second color to the price table columns using in the dl elements the gkColor CSS class.

Domain search


Domain search form uses the following structure:

<form class="gkDomainSearch" action="#">
	<label>Search Domains</label>
	<input type="text" placeholder="Start your domain search">	
        <select class="gkBigSelect">
		<option value=".com" selected="selected">.com</option>
		<option value=".net">.net</option>
		<option value=".info">.info</option>
		<option value=".org">.org</option>
		<option value=".biz">.biz</option>
		<option value=".me">.me</option>
		<option value=".tv">.tv</option>
	<input type="button" value="Search">	

All elements with the gkBigSelect class are replaced with the CSS-styled UI control.

Columns in the content

We have used in a few places a simple mechanism of the columns in the content. You can create 2,3 or even 4-column layout in the single module using the following structure:

<div class="gkColumns" data-cols="X">
// … column content

Amout of columns is specified in the data-cols attribute and should be in range 1-4.

Big icons


You can create a lot of big icons with links using the Font Awesome set.

The icons should be placed in group in the .gkIcons container.

Every icon can be defined as:

<div class="gkIcon animated">
    <a href="#">
        <i class="icon-laptop"></i>
        <span>Easy to use panel</span>

The main element contains two classes - gkIcons (necessary) and animated (optional). The second class should be used if you want to animate the icons during the scrolling.

The span element creates the optional title of the icon.



Another animated structure - points. It is a great typography element for the process description. It uses the following structure:

<ul class="gkPoints">
<li><span>1</span> Login to SiteBuilder</li>
<li><span>2</span> Select a website template & add content</li>
<li><span>3</span> Publish to your web hosting account</li>

The structure needs just two things: gkPoints class and span elements inside every list element.



If you want to put small text, you can use the small element with the gkDetails class:

<small class="gkDetails">Lorem ipsum dolor</small>



Another useful element on the hosting/service pages: block with title, description and button:

<div class="gkFrame"> 
    <a href="#" class="button">Live Chat</a>
    <h4>Need more power? Talk to our Live Sales Team! </h4>
    <p>Get the Flexibility,Performance and Power your business needs now.</p>

Please remember that the button should be placed as the first element (important for the responsive behaviour of the block).



The last and the most complex structure. Testimonials are based on two possible layouts - with and without additional links - you can enable optional links at the end of the each row using the data-extralinks attribute:

<div class="gkTestimonials" data-extralinks="on">
<div><img src="/_updates/joomla25/cloudhost/images/demo/testimonial1.jpg" alt="Testimonial I"><blockquote><p>I really enjoyed CloudHost very much, I’m looking forward to using it on larger projects.</p><strong>Company, ltd.</strong></blockquote></div>
<div><img src="/_updates/joomla25/cloudhost/images/demo/testimonial2.jpg" alt="Testimonial II"><blockquote><p>I really enjoyed CloudHost very much, I’m looking forward to using it on larger projects.</p><strong>Company, ltd.</strong></blockquote></div>
<div class="gkText"><div><p>Our customers love us.<br>We are rated 4.99 / 5.00</p></div></div>

<div><blockquote><p>I really enjoyed CloudHost very much, I’m looking forward to using it on larger projects.</p><strong>Company, ltd.</strong></blockquote><img src="/_updates/joomla25/cloudhost/images/demo/testimonial3.jpg" alt="Testimonial III"></div>
<div><blockquote><p>I really enjoyed CloudHost very much, I’m looking forward to using it on larger projects.</p><strong>Company, ltd.</strong></blockquote><img src="/_updates/joomla25/cloudhost/images/demo/testimonial4.jpg" alt="Testimonial IV"></div>
<div class="gkLink"><div><a href="#">More testimonials</a></div></div>

Every testimonial is based on the image and the blockquote element. Image can be placed before or after the blockquote element.

The additional blocks can contain two CSS classes: gkText or gkLink. The first class is prepared for the static text - you have to put an paragraph inside a helper div container. In the second case insted of paragraph you have to use a link.


If you want to avoid the animation effect of the specific elements, the easiest way to disable the animation will be adding the loaded class to these elements. Then the elements will achieve the final state added during the animation.

Page Break

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin posuere nisi quis odio egestas non tempus est sollicitudin. Nulla facilisi. Pellentesque tempus suscipit nulla sed tempor. Phasellus et lorem id libero fermentum molestie sit amet sit amet mi. Quisque ultrices, neque et laoreet dictum, arcu sapien pulvinar odio, in aliquam mi dui eu leo. Nullam posuere, arcu et egestas fermentum, enim purus fermentum diam, quis porta mauris lectus ut odio. In tincidunt dapibus malesuada. Integer a lorem ligula. In tincidunt augue eget velit convallis nec pharetra eros tincidunt. Maecenas et tortor libero, vel malesuada est.

Quisque magna tellus, condimentum a porttitor eu, fermentum nec enim. Aenean et erat nec lectus adipiscing auctor. Sed tellus sapien, condimentum eget tristique ac, faucibus sed nisi. Curabitur pretium porta pulvinar. Integer cursus venenatis dictum. Morbi massa est, ultricies ut ultrices vitae, hendrerit vitae tellus. Duis a nulla quis tellus lacinia tristique.

Quisque magna tellus, condimentum a porttitor eu, fermentum nec enim. Aenean et erat nec lectus adipiscing auctor. Sed tellus sapien, condimentum eget tristique ac, faucibus sed nisi. Curabitur pretium porta pulvinar. Integer cursus venenatis dictum. Morbi massa est, ultricies ut ultrices vitae, hendrerit vitae tellus. Duis a nulla quis tellus lacinia tristique.

Donec libero urna, cursus vitae sollicitudin sit amet, elementum et massa. Donec feugiat, turpis a dictum vulputate, dui diam faucibus nunc, ac sodales augue magna id augue. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec sit amet nisi felis. Morbi faucibus nunc id elit aliquam ac condimentum leo laoreet. Sed nec risus sed nulla mattis volutpat in eget diam. In leo nisl, eleifend vel lobortis vel, tincidunt a ligula. Nulla placerat gravida laoreet. In lobortis, ligula in sagittis pellentesque, orci magna venenatis neque, eu sagittis lacus ante et tellus. Morbi vel semper augue. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam erat volutpat.

Price Table

Price table Custom HTML is based on the following structure:

BasicThe normal price
Server I
1000 GB Space
2 CPU Core 2.4GHz
5 TB Traffic
99.99% Uptime Guarantee
$ 199.99 Order now
SuperThe most popular
Server II
2000 GB Space
4 CPU Core 2.4GHz
5 TB Traffic
99.99% Uptime Guarantee
$ 299.99 Order now
ExtremeFor fanatics
Server III
5000 GB Space
6 CPU Core 2.4GHz
5 TB Traffic
99.99% Uptime Guarantee
$ 499.99 Order now
<div class="gkPriceTable col3">
                    <dt>Basic<small>The normal price</small></dt>
                    <dd class="gkImage"><img src="/_updates/joomla25/cloudhost/images/demo/server1.jpg" alt="Server I">
                    </dd><dd><strong>1000 GB</strong> Space</dd>
                    <dd><strong>2 CPU</strong> Core 2.4GHz</dd>
                    <dd><strong>5 TB</strong> Traffic</dd>
                    <dd><strong>99.99%</strong> Uptime Guarantee</dd>
                    <dd class="gkPrice"><strong>$ 199.99</strong> <a href="#" class="button">Order now</a></dd>
          <dl class="gkPopular">
                    <dt>Super<small>The most popular</small></dt>
                    <dd class="gkImage"><img src="/_updates/joomla25/cloudhost/images/demo/server2.jpg" alt="Server II">
                    </dd><dd><strong>2000 GB</strong> Space</dd>
                    <dd><strong>4 CPU</strong> Core 2.4GHz</dd>
                    <dd><strong>5 TB</strong> Traffic</dd>
                    <dd><strong>99.99%</strong> Uptime Guarantee</dd>
                    <dd class="gkPrice"><strong>$ 299.99</strong> <a href="#" class="button">Order now</a></dd>
                    <dt>Extreme<small>For fanatics</small></dt>
                    <dd class="gkImage"><img src="/_updates/joomla25/cloudhost/images/demo/server3.jpg" alt="Server III">
                    </dd><dd><strong>5000 GB</strong> Space</dd>
                    <dd><strong>6 CPU</strong> Core 2.4GHz</dd>
                    <dd><strong>5 TB</strong> Traffic</dd>
                    <dd><strong>99.99%</strong> Uptime Guarantee</dd>
                    <dd class="gkPrice"><strong>$ 499.99</strong> <a href="#" class="button">Order now</a></dd>

The main wrapper contains two classes: the gkPriceTable class is required, second class is used to specify the amount of columns - you can use classes col1-col5.

Every column is specified by dl element (with gkPopular class the column will be highlighted) - in the dt element you can specify the table column title. In the dd element with gkPrice class you can specify the price - using the small element you can specify te service period time.

Adding of the button at the bottom is very simple - it needs just to add the link element in the dd element with the gkPrice class. Additionally you can specify the price in the strong element.

Page break example

Ut dignissim aliquet nibh tristique hendrerit. Donec ullamcorper nulla quis metus vulputate id placerat augue eleifend. Aenean venenatis consectetur orci, sit amet ultricies magna sagittis vel. Nulla non diam nisi, ut ultrices massa. Pellentesque sed nisl metus. Praesent a mi vel ante molestie venenatis.

Donec sed odio dui. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu leo. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam.

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